Thursday, December 6, 2012

Do I REALLY Need to Floss????

The dreaded question from the hygienist:  "Are you flossing???"

You think to yourself if I say "Yes" will they know I'm lying?  The answer is "Yes, Yes we do!"

So what's the big deal why do you need to floss?

A very common misconception about flossing is that because it can often times cause the gums to bleed, and become sensitive, many people want to simply avoid it. Doing so can actually increase the severity of gum disease. When the gums bleed, nine times out of ten, it’s as a result of bacterial infection present; gingivitis.  Give yourself 3 weeks of flossing every night and you'll see a big decrease in bleeding and sensitivity after flossing!

Some Facts for you:
1.  Within seven minutes of eating or drinking anything, tiny bacteria from the food/drink particles aggregate together and begin to form a sticky film all over the oral cavity.

2.  Within an hour or so that microscopic layer of bacteria begins to form plaque.

3.  As plaque sits on the enamel and gum tissue it begins to mineralize, or harden. If left long enough, it can actually become as solid as a rock. This new formation is termed tartar or calculus,

4.  Brushing and flossing do an excellent job at removing plaque ("sticky film") from your teeth and gums BUT the bristles of the toothbrush and the material composition of the floss are NOT strong enough to remove calculus (hardened plaque). 

5.  Your dental hygienists’ instruments have blades and cutting surfaces, which are specifically designed to remove calculus (hardened plaque).

6.  Flossing will remove the plaque from between your teeth which mean less calculus for the hygienist to remove!!!!  YEAH!!!  Everyone's happy now!

Still don't want to floss.....


Why?  Because lets face it after we brush (for 2 mins!) our teeth feel CLEAN, who is going to floss if their mouth feels clean????  So floss then brush then you'll be going to bed with CLEAN teeth!!! 

So to answer the question "Do I really need to floss?" I would say "Only the ones you want to keep!"

So if you want clean teeth and healthy gums give us a call at (804) 288-8200 and we'll get you scheduled or you can always check us out online, see you soon!